Joseba Dalmau

A photo of myself

About myself

Since March 2023 I am working as a Research Engineer at IRT Saint Exupéry in Toulouse, as a member of the DEEL Project. My research focuses on Dependable and Certifiable AI, particularly on Conformal Prediction and other rigourous probabilistic guarantees for Deep Neural Networks.

Prior to that I was a Research Engineer in Huawei's Paris Research Center, where I was working on building neural networks with low memory consumption and highly efficient design.

From September 2018 to August 2021 I was a postdoc at NYU Shanghai working in Probability Theory. Previously I did my PhD thesis in the Paris-Saclay University under the supervision of Raphaël Cerf, and I worked for two years as a postdoc in École Polytechnique in the team PEIPS.


Don't hesitate to contact me by email at:


  1. R. Cerf, Joseba Dalmau
    The Quasispecies Equation and Classical Polulation Models
    volume 102 in Probability Theory and Stochastic Modelling, Springer, 2022.
    Publisher link


  1. L. Mossina, Joseba Dalmau, L. Andéol
    Conformal Semantic Image Segmentation: Post-hoc Quantification of Predictive Uncertainty
    Accepted in: SAIAD 2024 at CVPR.
    arXiv preprint
  2. F. de Grancey, S. Gerchinovitz, L. Alecu, H. Bonnin, J. Dalmau, K. Delmas, F. Mamalet
    On the Feasibility of EASA Learning Assurance Objectives for Machine Learning Components
    Accepted in: ERTS 2024.
    HAL preprint
  3. D. Vigouroux, Joseba Dalmau, L. Béthune
    Deep Sturm–Liouville: Learnable orthogonal basis functions parameterized by neural networks
    HAL preprint
  4. P. Novello, Joseba Dalmau, L. Andéol
    Out-of-Distribution Detection Should Use Conformal Prediction (and Vice-versa?)
    arXiv preprint


  1. F. Comets, Joseba Dalmau, Santiago Saglietti
    Scaling limit of the heavy-tailed ballistic deposition model with p-sticking
    The Annals of Probability, Volume 51, 1870-1931, 2023.
    Journal link       arXiv preprint
  2. Joseba Dalmau
    The Wright-Fisher model for class-dependent fitness landscapes
    Electronic Journal of Probability, Volume 26, 1-44, 2021.
    Journal link       arXiv preprint
  3. Joseba Dalmau, M. Salvi
    Scale-free percolation in continuous space: Quenched degree and clustering coefficient
    Journal of Applied Probability, Volume 58, Issue 1, 106-127, March 2021.
    Journal link       arXiv preprint
  4. R. Cerf, Joseba Dalmau
    Galton-Watson and branching process representations of the normalized Perron-Frobenius eigenvector
    ESAIM: Probabiliy and Statistics, Volume 23, 797-802, 2019.
    Journal link       arXiv preprint
  5. R. Cerf, Joseba Dalmau
    The quasispecies for the Wright-Fisher model
    Evolutionary Biology, Volume 45, Issue 3, 318-323, September 2018.
    Journal link
  6. Joseba Dalmau
    Asymptotic behavior of Eigen's quasispecies model
    Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Volume 80, Issue 7, 1689-1712, July 2018.
    Journal link       arXiv preprint.
  7. R. Cerf, Joseba Dalmau
    A Markov chain representation of the Perron-Frobenius eigenvector
    Electronic Communications in Probability, Volume 22, paper no. 52, 2017.
    Journal link       arXiv preprint.
  8. Joseba Dalmau
    Convergence of a Moran model to Eigen's quasispecies model
    Journal of Theoretical Biology, Volume 420, 36-40, May 2017.
    Journal link       arXiv preprint.
  9. R. Cerf, Joseba Dalmau
    Quasispecies on class-dependent fitness landscapes
    Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Volume 78, Issue 6, 1238-1258, June 2016.
    Journal link       arXiv preprint.
  10. Joseba Dalmau
    The distribution of the quasispecies for a Galton-Watson process on the sharp peak landscape
    Journal of Applied Probability, Volume 53, Issue 2, 606-613, June 2016.
    Journal link       arXiv preprint.
  11. Joseba Dalmau
    The distribution of the quasispecies for a Moran model on the sharp peak landscape
    Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Volume 126, Issue 6, 1681-1709, June 2016.
    Journal link       arXiv preprint.
  12. R. Cerf, Joseba Dalmau
    The distribution of the quasispecies for the Wright-Fisher model on the sharp peak landscape
    Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Volume 125, Issue 1, 272-293, January 2016.
    Journal link       arXiv preprint.


  1. Focus Technique ANITI
    Webinar, Toulouse, January 2024
    Empowering trustworthy AI with reliable predictive uncertainty quantification
  2. Probability: Models and Applications
    East China Normal University, Shanghai (China), December 2020
    Scale-free percolation in continuous space
  3. Probability Seminar
    NYU-ECNU Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Shanghai (China), November 2018
    The quasispecies regime for the Wright-Fisher model
  4. Young Probabilits Workshop
    Nankai University, Tianjin (China), November 2018
    The quasispecies regime for the Wright-Fisher model
  5. NYU Shanghai - Kyoto University Young Probabilists’ Meeting
    NYU Shanghai, Shanghai (China), September 2018
    Perron-Frobenius eigenvector and Markov chains
  6. Stochastic Models in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
    Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venice (Italy), April 2018
    Error threshold and quasispecies in population genetics models
  7. Seminar in Differential Equations and Applications
    Università Degli Studi Di Padova, Padova (Italy), April 2017
    Error threshold and quasispecies in population genetics models
  8. Probability and Statistics Seminar
    Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille, Marseille (France), March 2017
    La distribution de la quasi-espèce
  9. Probability Seminar
    Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, Toulouse (France), March 2017
    La distribution de la quasi-espèce
  10. Probability and Statistics Seminar
    Université Paris-Sud, Orsay (France), October 2017
    Wright–Fisher model for a class–dependent fitness landscape
  11. Statistics Seminar
    Chalmers, Gothenburg (Sweden), September 2016
    The distribution of the quasispecies
  12. Les Probabilités de Demain
    IHÉS, Bures-sur-Yvette (France), May 2016
    La distribution de la quasi-espèce
  13. Colloque Jeunes Probabilistes et Statisticiens
    École de Physique des Houches, Les Houches (France), April 2016
    La distribution de la quasi-espèce
  14. BCAM Scientific Seminar
    BCAM, Bilbao (SPAIN), March 2016
    The distribution of the quasispecies
  15. Stochastic Processes and their Applications group seminar
    TU Berlin, Berlin (Germany), February 2016
    The distribution of the quasispecies
  16. SMILE Seminar
    Collège de France, Paris (France), February 2015
    The distribution of the quasispecies
  17. Brazilian School of Probability
    Maresias (Brazil), August 2015
    The distribution of the quasispecies
  18. Seminar of Probabiliy and Statistics
    École Normale Supérieure, Paris (France), May 2014
    La distribution de la quasi-espèce
  19. PhD Student Workshop
    Université Paris Diderot, Paris (France), October 2014
    La distribution de la quasi-espèce